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Montessori Development Partnerships is dedicated to bringing human and financial resources into a coordinated effort that results in greater support for Montessori schools in North America.


Montessori Development Partnerships envisions more access to Montessori for more children.

"More Montessori for More Children" ~ Debra Hershey Guren Shares Her Story

Debra Hershey Guren discusses finding an environment where her children could discover their own potential, and her work with Montessori schools in the USA and internationally. As the CEO/Executive Director of the Hershey Foundation, Board Emeritus at Hershey Montessori School, and Executive Director for Montessori Development Partnerships, Debra has worked closely with Montessori families, children, teachers, trainers, and administrators in the United States for the past 35 years.

 Click here to see the interview.

MDP History
History of MDP


MDP was founded in 1990 by Debra Guren and David Kahn. Visit the timeline to see the history of MDP.

Montessori Children Studying
MDP Projects


Click here to see some of the projects developed by MDP.

City View- Donate to MDP
Donate to MDP


MDP is powered by funding from inspired individuals, foundations, and

corporations who share the mission. 

The Hershey Foundation

The Hershey Family Foundation

The Cleveland Foundation 

The Martha Holden Jennings Foundation 

Robert and Laurel Weinberg 

Peter and Debbie Guren 

Charles and Char Fowler 

The George Gund Foundation

AHS Foundation

Carver Financial Services

Harry K. Fox and Emma F. Fox Charitable Foundation

Joseph Family Charitable Foundation
S. Livingston Mather Foundation

O'Neill Brothers Foundation

Shepherd Fund

Susan & John Turben Foundation

Lauren K Weinberg Fund
The Wolpert Fund

Diala Abboud

Dorothy Adams

Renee Alloy

John Anoliefo

Joan Baumer

Charlie Bolton

Tina Booth

Jim and Maria Boyer

Michelle Breehne

Lynn Breitenstein-Aliberti

Julia Brown

Damira Campbell

Randy Carver

Patti Chobi

William Conway

Jeffery Embleton

Kari Ewert-Krocker

Terri Garfinkle

Bridgette Genevieve

Sheila Grabnar

Habeebah Grimes
Gary and Cari Gross
Adam Guren
Sara Guren, Bowman and Stella Beeman

Zach & Lauren Guren

J. Scott Hackenberg

Cassandra Haddock

Alex Hershey

Barry & Connie Hershey

William Hiller

Meg Sondey & William Hines

Jacquelynn Hinkle Clifford

Myah & Jaime Irick 

Anne & Joseph Juster
Barbara and David Kahn

Anne Marie Kollander

Jerry Laderman
Paula Leigh-Doyle

Martha Loughridge

Karen Loughridge

Gordon Maas

Jacquie Maughan

Ruth Mayers

Nate & Karen McDonald 

Nora McNamara
Jacqueline Miller

Network for Good

Jane & Fritz Neubauer

Daurine Noll

Steven Peck

Jane Price

Scott Robinson

David & Enid Rosenberg

Alan & Barbara Rosskamm

Jamie Rue

Cynthia Saine

Indira Samuels

Shelly Small

William & Ava Stephans

Dede Storer

Steve & Sally Terrell

Jan Thrope

Susan Traub

Rebecca Uhl

Jane Wallace

Carole Walters

Lili Wang

Donald Wells

Stephanie White

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